Why the heck should you give a speech

2 min readApr 23, 2016

One of my favorite quotes is “you don’t have to be great to start but you have to start to be great.” I am sure there are several variations of this quote and I do not know who the original one came from but boy did this quote hit home with me. Since I turned 25, I decided to stop clowning around and focus on the bigger picture of my life. It’s not like I had hit rock bottom, became addicted to drugs or went into depression rather I knew this was not it for me. I always knew i wanted more, I wanted everything, I want it all!

So I decided to work on bettering my people skills, bettering my communication skills, investing in myself and I knew speaking in front of people is something I needed/wanted to be great at. People can get paid a LOT to speak in front of people. Plus you don’t get many chances to present to an audience, to have that many people with their eyes and ears on you. So when that chances comes you better snatch it up and run with it.

One thing I always tell people is no one is going to give you the crown, you have to go and take it. Give them no chance to question your greatness. If you want it go get it!

You should give a speech because it’s your chance to get your message out there. The biggest advantage you have is being yourself. You can’t mess up or go wrong being yourself. The biggest tip everyone kept giving me during my 3 month long prep for this speech was “you are the only one that knows you messed up, don’t forget that.” Reinforcing this thought into my head was something I did daily. Every time I practiced my speech it was different. A different variation of the same story every time. It was a true story and from the heart (a requirement for any impactful speech) so it was not hard to keep free styling.

Next time you have the chance to get out of your comfort zone and market yourself along with the message you wish to spread, take it! Your time to shine is now. Go take your crown.

Take a listen to my 3–5 minute speech right here and tell me what you think.





Helping people achieve financial freedom through Real Estate and business bring me great joy. I am a life long Sacramentan and really do love my life.